Student Knowledge Assessment
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Purpose of Career Technical Education Assessments:

The NC CTE State Assessments are used for three reasons: 

1) Federal accountability in NC’s Perkins technical attainment agreement, which is used to secure federal money for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.

2) The assessment of educators’ performance, in relation to standard six of the NC Teacher Evaluation Process (as an artifact).

3) Comply with standard eight, the School Executive Evaluation Process. 
    (NCCTE State Assessment Guide p6)

Assessment Requirements:

All Assessments listed below are required for the purpose of data submission as stated above.  No student outside of a medical waiver, which is handled on a case-by-case basis, will be exempt from a CTE Assessment.  All CTE Assessments count as 25% of a student's final grade for the course.

Types of CTE Assessments
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State Assessments

 A multiple-choice standardized test of 100 questions pulled from a secure item bank developed and controlled by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Career & Technical Education (CTE) division. 

Credential Proof of Learning (POL)

Curriculum developed around the credential or certification demonstrating a student's proof of learning.  In most cases, the credential is recognized by the industry at the local or national level. 

Upon obtainment of the credential, the student is exempt from any form of exam for this class.  If a student fails to obtain the credential they are required to take a teacher-made exam to provide evidence of knowledge gained during the time in the course.

Performance-Based Measures (PBM)

 Curriculum that requires the completion of a project or portfolio that demonstrates the full knowledge obtained by the student during the duration of the course.  PBM's are developed by a governing body, county, or state level with guidance, requirements, and grading rubrics that insures equal and fair grading of the PBM product.

Upon completion of the PBM with a passing grade, the student is exempt from any form of exam for this class. If a student fails to complete the PBM assignment with a passing grade they are required to take a teacher-made exam to provide evidence of knowledge gained during the time in the course.

Third-Party Proof of Learning (POL)

Curriculum developed by a governing body or entity to develop skills or certification in an area of production or maintenance.  The testing associated with Third-Party curriculums requires the completion of a third-party created exam in order to receive full credit and or certification for the course.

Local (LOC) Assessments

A Curriculum developed at the state or Local Educational Agency (LEA) to address a special subject or career pathway.  Though the test and in some cases the curriculum are not developed by NCDPI  the course must be approved at the state level.  As documentation, the results of testing are required by NCDPI in order to maintain approval of the implementation of the course at the LEA.